Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Crossfit Games - North Central Regionals

Who knew watching people work out would be so much fun!?

Last weekend we went to watch our friend George compete in the Crossfit Games North Central Regionals, and were simply amazed.  Never have I seen that many incredibly fit people in such a small space.  It was truly surreal.  The event was held in a large conference center on Navy Pier in Chicago, and even as we walked along the pier we could tell who was there for the crossfit games and who was a tourist.  When the high socks, sharpee markings, and matching t-shirts didn't give them away the sinewy muscles did.

George powering through the overhead squats

We stayed for a few hours and were able to see George's team compete in the team competition which was to complete 250 reps of chest-to-bar pull-ups, 250 reps of kettle bell swings, 250 double-unders, and 250 over-head squats.  Even watching the last place finishers power through this workout was nothing short of inspiring.  As a spectator, I was reminded of my high school track days, and longed for a chance to compete again.  It looked like a lot of fun.  Arduous and painful, but fun.  While, I'm probably years away from even being able to qualify for a regional crossfit event, I can say this:  Stacey and I's workouts have been slightly more intense and inspired ever since then.  Thank you to all those who competed.  Your efforts were an inspiration and a marvel.

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