Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Finds at the Green City Market

Chicken Livers and Pork Rinds!
pork rinds!

(First, I realize it has been FOREVER since we've posted - since our last post we have gotten engaged and married, and finally life is settling back down a bit)

Now, back to chicken livers and pork rinds, which are my new favorite items to pick up at the farmers market.  I think the chicken livers have always been around, I just didn't know to ask for them.  But, I'm pretty sure the pork rinds are new - and they are so tasty!

Meadow Haven Farm, which I have mentioned before, is where I got the chicken livers - from happy pastured chickens.  I can't help but hear all the hype about organ meats and wanted to find some way to incorporate them more into our meals.  Well, I tried Balanced Bites chicken liver pate recipe, and it is dee-lish!  Seriously way better than I thought chicken livers could be - I brought a big batch of pate on a camping trip and everyone devoured it.  Ok, maybe it was mostly me that devoured it, but a lot of other people helped.  I just bought two more pounds of chicken livers, so I may have created an addiction for myself. 

Now, pork rinds - seriously such a crackly, yummy little treat.  The company serving these up is Cookies and Carnitas and they use Becker Lane organic farm pork to do it.  They also serve porchetta sandwiches, which I have not tried and seem to be the more popular item, but the pork rinds are an awesome Saturday treat.  I actually bought two little bags, planning to serve them when we had friends over for a cook out.  I completely forgot to take them out of their hiding place in the cupboard and after everyone left realized we have 2 bags of pork rinds to ourselves!  Although disappointed that I couldn't share my little pork treasures, I was also secretly happy to have them all to myself!


  1. Hey there cave folk. Thank You for mentioning Cookies and Carnitas! We appreciate it.

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